Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chess – The Game of Life

Chess is a very unique game. It is one of the very few games that is able to relate the game to life.

In a game of chess, the main objective is to capture the King. It will not be an easy task. There are many steps to reach this goal; to move the queen, or to move the knight, or to move the pawn. Every move you make will either create or destroy opportunities. For every careless move, you will have to bear the consequences. From the mistakes, learn from it. You will have to predict your opponent’s moves, seek new opportunities and analyze the game.

In real life, a person has a main goal to achieve. It will not be an easy task for there are many obstacles to overcome. There are many ways to reach this goal. For every action that person makes, it will either lead to opportunities or disasters. For every careless action that person makes, he/she will have to face the consequences and accept the responsibility. For every failure, learn from it. The person has to predict the consequences of his actions, grab opportunities and analyze the situation.

Don’t these two have similar concepts?

This makes chess more than just a mere game.

It becomes the lesson of life.


Puventhan said...

Hey!! Haha.. U seem to dunno wat to blog.. Lol.. Anyway, after u sign in, u can see ur email address and sign out on top of ur browser right? And between them, there is the option customize right? So u gotta click on it, it will bring u to a page.. Look carefully and u will realise it is ur page display print... So find the right bar, there is something called add element there.. Click there.. And then, in the new window that pop out, there is an option saying add link.. Click on it, add the link and save it.. Always click on save changes after u do something.. OK!!

DJLIM said...

Thean Ming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benjamin Chang said...

Hey! U got a blog already! Haha...nice one...
hey, add me to your link too:

and oh ya, try to add a chatbox too.

Philemon said...

Keep on keeping on chessing on...