I feel sooooooooooooo sad edi...................
Our Foundation In Management for January 08 Intake has completed liao.
The time has cum for us to part.
Some might be going to cyber campus, others are pursuing different courses, few are going to become my future accounting course mates...
Whatever it is, I'm sure gonna miss everyone BADLY.
Therefore, it is only appropriate that we have a First & Final Gathering to bid farewell to one another. And we did just that!!!!
We had a BBQ Party in Gavin's house which was SUPPOSED to start at 6pm. Before the party started, Alex, Gavin, Kai Yang and I went to Tesco and Jusco to buy the food. We went straight after our English test.
At 6pm, I started to light up the fire for the BBQ together with Kai Yang. Honestly speaking, Kai Yang is quite experienced in BBQ stuff.
We had marinated chicken wings, marinated lamb, sweet corn, sausages, meatballs,
French loaf bread, marshmallows and even crab sticks!
Above: Wai Theng is fanning herself with the english test paper.
Haha, my first impression was that she was gonna burn d paper lol
This was a simple activity in which everyone sat close to each other to make a huge circle. Basically, everyone was given a piece of paper and had to write comments about their friends at the party.
Freestyle position
R relationship
I n
E ternity
N ever
D ies
S o
H opefully
I t's a
P romise
Well, we certainly did prove to the rest
that we are the best !
I wish Good Luck
to everyone
may the miracle
of our friendship
stay alwiz
in our
next semester til me final semester for foundation~
lol haiz~
wish u all friendship forever!
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